Thursday, April 21, 2016

It's National Poem In Your Pocket Day!

I volunteer for an organization that raises funds for a very worthwhile local nonprofit...and one of my roles is to handle social media, curating and creating content to share with our growing audience.

With today being National Poem In Your Pocket Day, I posted Mary Oliver's Morning Poem. Her words always speak to me and stay with me like great music lyrics. I discovered Morning Poem just this morning as I was looking for the perfect poem to post on our group Facebook page.

I've been thinking about this poem all morning...about how it speaks to the power of a new morning and all its possibilities and promises; the feelings of optimism and resilience the dawn of a new day brings.

This got me thinking about my own poetry writing experience. A few years ago, I was enjoying a day of writing with some fellow writer friends. To get us in the writing groove, one of the women in the group, Kathy Kane, led us in a short exercise. She gave us a writing prompt, the phrase 'In Spite Of', and set a timer...we each put pen to paper and began writing for just a few minutes.

When the timer went off, we took turns sharing what we had written. I wasn't sure about my kind of just flew out of my pen and wasn't a story like the other writers had created. However, I read my work to the group when it was my turn, albeit a bit hesitantly. You can imagine my shock and surprise when one of them exclaimed that I had written a poem!! In celebration of National Poem In Your Pocket Day, I humbly share my piece with you:

In spite of…

It’s dark.

The path is unclear; you’re unsure
of where to start.

No matter that this day wasn’t what
you had hoped it would be.

The stars will shine tonight, their light in
the velvet night sky like a spray of
soap bubbles, ready to clear the remnants
away and leave a fresh new canvas.

What a gift these stars are, reminders that
their glimmer means you get to start anew.

Yes, tomorrow IS a new day.

“Hello stars!” you  might say tonight.
 “Work your magic and usher in my
next chance, my new opportunity.”

When you wake, the stars will be gone.
Their sparkle, magic and power now
dissolved into the new blank slate that is

In spite of…

Like Morning Poem, my piece is also about optimism and resilience - two of my favorite concepts. Both are especially important for job seekers as they navigate the inevitable detours and bumps in the road that travelers on this journey often encounter. Each day is a new start, a chance to consider possibilities, to re-group, to re-strategize, to re-connect. It is indeed a powerful and beautiful thing...

If you think these words may be of help to someone struggling, please feel free to share. 

In support of your success,


Thursday, March 24, 2016

What have you learned lately?

How long has it been since you added something new to your skill set? 

Getting too comfortable and joining the 'but we've always done it this way' crowd can put you at a disadvantage. Savvy careerists know the value of ongoing learning and professional if it's been a while for you, put it on your action plan for 2nd quarter. 

Remember, there are myriad ways to learn - from self-teaching and low-cost/free online webinars to formal fee-based programs. The investment of your time will pay off down the road!

Job Search Tip - Step Away From The Computer

Step away from your computer and add a couple of new tactics to your strategic job search plan. 

Networking, skill development, and strategic volunteering are some examples...and even organizing your job search space/home office, exercising, and reading count. 

Just be aware that relying completely on job boards to find your next job is similar to standing in line at 4 am the day after Thanksgiving in hopes of getting that 57" flat screen TV for $39.99. Sure, a lucky few will walk away with a new TV, but there will be many more disappointed and disgruntled shoppers. The strategic shoppers, however, have researched, developed a plan, and probably had success in procuring a great priced TV by not following the crowd.  

Once you've added some new and appropriate tactics to your job search plan, be sure to consistently work your plan. It's been said that a job search IS a job...and it takes the same ongoing commitment and follow through.

If you need some ideas for your job search, let's talk! I provide one-to-one job search coaching and am launching an online group program in late spring.